Reduced Ticket Backlog & Improved
First Reply Time Boosts Customer Satisfaction

Case Study | Crypto

Coinify – an established virtual currency platform with offerings in North America, Europe, Asia, and other regions – provides individual currency trading, corporate brokerage, payment processing services, and enterprise solutions.

The company faced an annual backlog of tickets during volume spikes especially when trader registrations and usage increased. Its in-house team struggled to scale for these peaks which drove delays in response times and lower customer satisfaction.

The company needed a partner to manage volume spikes and improve customer experiences.

In this case study, learn how we:

  • Launched a plan to manage ticket volume and backlogs, and improve online reviews.
  • Delivered an increase in tickets solved of 1100%.
  • Reduced First Response Time by 85%.
  • Improved CSAT by 23 points.

As a result, customer satisfaction (CSAT) scores jumped to 89% satisfied.